Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Getting Protected; Implanon

Be smart when going to college, make sure you are on birth control.

The Implanon was the absolute best choice for me. It was a simple incision, and it last for three years!

The Process:
First, you will decide what arm you want the implant in. I chose my left because its my non-dominant arm. Then, you will get into position. I had to lay down with my arm positioned like you are showing your muscles.

Next, my doctor had me flex my arm, to find the muscle. As, the Implanon goes right under the muscle.

Prepping, my doctor sanitized when the incision was going to go.
Then, the WORST part was when she numbed my arm. It was like a needle scraping along my arm,

Finally, my doctor inserted the Implanon, which I didn't feel at all because of the numbness.

My arm hurt for the next three days. I could hardly raised my arm at all, and even when I was sitting just the simple muscle movements hurt! But, it was overall worth the pain, to have birth control that good for three years. I will be covered all the way until I graduate college!

Join the club, get a special friend for three years, that will keep you protected!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Real Acne Treatment

My Acne Treatment guide. I have had acne sense I was 17, and I have been keeping my acne in check sense I began this treatment!

Nightly Routine:

  1. Wash face with Clearsil Face Wash. The trick is that it has Salicylic Acid, which makes your skin really dry. But, it is making your skin cells turnover faster, causing the pimples to go away. Also, note that this will probably burn a little bit on the first couple of applications, but it does work! Other brands work just as well, just make sure it has Salicylic Acid.
  2. Wait thirty minutes, giving your face complete time to dry.
  3. Apply Retin A. This is actually prescribed by the Doctor. This is an exta measure if your acne is severe. This topical medicine is again helping to turn over your skin cells faster. So, if I do get a pimple, using this nightly, it will be gone in a day.  
  4. Lastly, I apply a lotion to my dry face. I recommend Clean and Clear Acne Control Moisturizer. Again, this has Salicylic Acid. So, at first it will probably do more drying out than moisturizing your skin. But, your skin will build up a tolerance and it will feel really nice to end your day with this!

Morning Routine

  1. Always start off your day with a clean face! You collect dust and dirt as you sleep. Wash your face with Clearasil or use acne wipes.
  2. My next recommendation is to let your face breathe. Don't clog your face with to much makeup.
  3. Apply a face sunscreen
  4. Apply Neutrogena Skinclearing Mineral Powder. It is very light on the face, but cover extremely well!

My Top Don'ts that will cause acne!
  • Cleaning makeup off with wipes, or using lotion with wipes. Always wash your face with soap and water.
  • Using scrub brushes on your face. Always use your hands.
  • Sleeping in your makeup. Remove makeup every night!
  • Using the same foundation applicator. I would change my applicator every week.
  • Over wearing foundation. Less is more, I know it's hard, but it will get better!

Follow my routine and see to a cleaner face!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Get Ready for Back To School

Getting ready to go back to school is very important! It is the one time to make first impressions, and feel your best in a new environment!

First lets start with beauty. 

  • Start whitening teeth a month before the first day!
I would recommend using Plus Whitening. It is a cheaper option, that actually shows good results!
  • Make sure to have even skin tone!
I would recommend sun tanning in a very low level, or try some DIY from Pinterest on how to strip a tan.
  • Get a haircut two weeks prior to school.
Always get a haircut, then give your hair a few days to adjust to the new length.
  • Pluck facial hair a week before school.
Do not do this a day before in case of burning or redness happens.

Next Fashion.
  • If you haven't purchased any new clothing over the summer, by something new that signify's a new and older you!
  • Get a new backpack, something stylish!
Personal Appearance.
  • A big part of who you are is the scent you give off to others. Buy some lotion and perfume, and think about who you want to be to others!
  • Also, a fun part of being a girl is getting to do a little extra to enhance your beauty. Buy some new mascara that will make your eyes flutter! 

Going back to school is a fun adventure! Make this year count, be who you want to be! Sometimes life isn't about finding yourself, but about creating yourself!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Girls Night

Get your friends together and throw a chocolaty, chic flic, girls night!

Things to do prior to the girls night!

  • Decide if you will be serving dinner to all your quests or just some lovely treats!
I recommend No-Bake Deserts, as they are very simple to make. Plus, no kitchen needed!

These No-Bake recipes can be found on Pinterest. The first one is a Cookies and Cream Bar, Red Velvet Cake Truffles, and Nutella Whip Dip. Also, don't forget to serve beverages.

  • Next, decide what entertainment will take place.
I would have nail polish, and facial treatment masks on hand. Check Pinterest for many DIY facial masks you can whip up!

  • Chic Flick Time, what movie will you show during the girls night?
Here are a few recommendations:
Cry Baby - An old movie set in the 50s. It's sort of a musical about the Squares and the Creepes. A must watch if you love Johnny Depp!

Never Been Kissed - Love Drew Barrymore! She is an undercover writer that goes back to High School and meets the love of her life!

He's Just Not that Into You - A tale of a couple of different people, and how he's just not into you! 

Have fabulous girls night! 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Hey College gals!
My name is Arabella, and I am a starting my sophomore year in college! I attend Fort Lewis College, in Durango, Colorado. I love my school, as it is right in the soul of the Rocky Mountains.
With the breath of the new school year, I will share all of my adventures that you should try in college, my simple college DIY projects, how to cook for one, and my frenzy advice. Let's share our experience and live our best college life!
Please check out my contact information and write to me, I would love to hear from you!
IMG_20141208_135918373 (1)
Snail Mail:
#7905 Fort Lewis College
1000 Rim Drive, Durango, Co 81301

Nervous about College, I know I was

Before I went off to college, I avoided all contact of college talk. I didn't even want to know what the date was. College was stirring my nerves. I was scared for the unexpected of what college would be like. After completing the first year of college there really isn't anything to be afraid of. This is what I have to say about all the things I was freaked about.
Everyone wants to be friends with everyone.
On the first day of orientation, I was walking to the dining hall all by myself, nervous as a girl could be with absolutely no friends. But, just then a girl yelled at me, "Hey, what's your name?" And I instantly found my first friend, and we are still friends today. Literally everywhere you go people are just saying hello, and trying to make connections with you. The fact is is that no one has friends going into college, so everyone is trying to meet anyone. For a split moment no one knows who you are, so you can become friends with anyone!
Classes will be just fine
I was anticipating the scary professors, the loads of books to read, the tests that no one can pass; but none of that happened. No one gets smarter over the summer, all of your classmates will be just as smart as you going into college. Therefore, colleges to up the expectation for classes for freshman, because they know they are use to high school work. I found that I had average amount of homework from each class, about two hours of homework for every three classes. Sounds cruel, but you get in a good groove! Also, my professor were the best teachers I have ever had in my life. Literally the most intelligent and caring people. Professor want you to succeed, so they want to know who you are and how they can help you succeed. I have never had a professor give out surprise tests. They always prepare you for a test, by telling you what will be on a test, because they want you to succeed.
Roommates are a 50/50 chance
The truth is you will have a great roommate who will be your best friend, or a roommate that is bizzurk. Its the chance to meet someone new, and learn how to co-exist living with someone in the same room. If your roommate and you are just not going to work out every college has spare rooms that you can request to switch to! Don't fret this at all!
College really is the best time of life
Try and enjoy this special moment in your life. Talk about it, plan for it, cherish it. Just don't stress!

How to Meet the Most Friends

Follow my four proven tips to help you make the most friends your freshman year!
  • Say Hi to as many people as you can your first day.
Everyone on the first day is trying to find friends, so this is your chance. No one knows anyone, and you can be anyone you want to be. The more people you meet the first day, the more opportunities you will have to find the perfect friends.
  • Keep your door open
During the first week you will find many people walking the halls looking for people to talk to. So, if you leave your door open, people will just walk in. Instant neighbor friendship!
  • Get out to events
This is the best way to make friends during the year. You will always have huge a opportunity to meet new people at campus events. For example, movie night, bingo night, casino night. A few examples of events held at my school. Just get out and say hello.
  • Be an open person
In college you will meet a wide variety of people. Don't judge people and be open to new people.
I know you will find plenty of friends in college. Plus I will always be her for you!
Good Luck Friends - Arabella