Saturday, August 15, 2015

Nervous about College, I know I was

Before I went off to college, I avoided all contact of college talk. I didn't even want to know what the date was. College was stirring my nerves. I was scared for the unexpected of what college would be like. After completing the first year of college there really isn't anything to be afraid of. This is what I have to say about all the things I was freaked about.
Everyone wants to be friends with everyone.
On the first day of orientation, I was walking to the dining hall all by myself, nervous as a girl could be with absolutely no friends. But, just then a girl yelled at me, "Hey, what's your name?" And I instantly found my first friend, and we are still friends today. Literally everywhere you go people are just saying hello, and trying to make connections with you. The fact is is that no one has friends going into college, so everyone is trying to meet anyone. For a split moment no one knows who you are, so you can become friends with anyone!
Classes will be just fine
I was anticipating the scary professors, the loads of books to read, the tests that no one can pass; but none of that happened. No one gets smarter over the summer, all of your classmates will be just as smart as you going into college. Therefore, colleges to up the expectation for classes for freshman, because they know they are use to high school work. I found that I had average amount of homework from each class, about two hours of homework for every three classes. Sounds cruel, but you get in a good groove! Also, my professor were the best teachers I have ever had in my life. Literally the most intelligent and caring people. Professor want you to succeed, so they want to know who you are and how they can help you succeed. I have never had a professor give out surprise tests. They always prepare you for a test, by telling you what will be on a test, because they want you to succeed.
Roommates are a 50/50 chance
The truth is you will have a great roommate who will be your best friend, or a roommate that is bizzurk. Its the chance to meet someone new, and learn how to co-exist living with someone in the same room. If your roommate and you are just not going to work out every college has spare rooms that you can request to switch to! Don't fret this at all!
College really is the best time of life
Try and enjoy this special moment in your life. Talk about it, plan for it, cherish it. Just don't stress!

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