Saturday, August 15, 2015

Q: Homework in College

Q: How much homework should I expect in college?
A: To sum up the answer expect at lease two hours of homework a day.
I had five classes a semester and every class was a bit different with homework. I found that two of my classes never had homework, but the only thing in the grade book then, were tests, so the class was a bit tougher. Then, in my other three classes we had assignment that would need to be completed by the next class. And, in college your classes with be either Mon,Wed,Fri, or Tue, Thur classes. So, there is always a day in between the next class to complete it. Homework isn't tough, it just takes time. Expect that you will have a bit of homework but nothing overloading. In college, professor respect that your probably have a life after class!
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