Saturday, August 15, 2015

How to Have a Successful Roommate Relationship

I learned a lot about how to live with a roommate my freshman year in college. Here what I learned:
First off, set boundaries. If you're not comfortable with them bringing over guys when you're there let them know. Also, in the first week you will find some annoying little things that start driving you crazy. It's as simple as talking your issues out. If you don't the relationship will just get worse, and worse. In my case my roommate started blow drying her hair in the room, while I was sleeping. So, after a week, she kept doing it, so I asked her if she would mind going to the bathroom to blow dry her hair. She responded saying that she had no clue it was so loud! Your roommate can't read your mind, so they probably don't know that they are bugging you as much as they are. So, just talk to them, and that's how you will maintain a good relationship.
Also, talk about switching off doing the chores. During my freshman year we had to take out the trash, which of course neither of us ever wanted to do. Make a chart, so no one feels like they are doing all the work themselves.
Most importantly respect your roommate. Roommates go either two ways, you will become best friends or just be roommates. What ever happens try to be kind to their living. You guys are sharing a sleeping/living space for a year! Respect their sleeping schedule, meaning being quiet, not having people over, and keeping a dim light. Respect their space, just because you need something and your roommate has it, doesn't make it yours, always ask before you use/take what is not yours. Respect their feelings, if they have complaints about you, try to compromise, and fix the issue.
I greatly regret from my freshman year not talking everything out, and just ignoring our issues. Please consider these tips, and comment below your own, or your thoughts.
Having a roommate is one of the greatest experiences about college! Good Luck!

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